Our Blog
Save Water, Grow Food: The Best Strategies and Plants for a Drought-Resistant Garden
Choosing the right crops, improving soil health, and using water-wise techniques can make all the difference in maintaining a productive vegetable garden, even in dry conditions. Learn how to grow a drought tolerant vegetable garden and reduce your water inputs in the garden, whether it's out of of necessity or choice.
Beyond the Garden: Dense Blazingstar
The flower spikes of this stunning tallgrass prairie species are loved by hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Blazingstar is an excellent accent plant, especially when planted next to black-eyed Susans and lanceleaf coreopsis. It can also heal contaminated soils! -
Discover the Wonder of Hügelkultur Gardening
Originating in Eastern Europe, Hügelkultur or "hill culture" in German, has taken the gardening world by storm with its innovative and eco-friendly approach. Instead of just gardening, think of it as creating a thriving hill of possibilities right in your backyard. Here we delve into the key benefits of Hügelkultur.