** Shipping: $3 Lettermail for small orders (under 100g), a $5 flat rate expedited shipping for orders over $80, and FREE expedited shipping for orders over $150. Click here for more information. **

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer you're looking for below, contact us and we will try to help! 



How does shipping work for online orders?

At this time our products can only be shipped within Canada.

We are currently offering $3 lettermail for small orders (less than 100g), a $5 flat rate expedited parcel options for orders of $80 or more and free expedited parcel shipping for orders of $150 or more.

Note lettermail cannot be tracked and we cannot provide any updates as to the delivery status of your order. Order value is calculated before tax and the shipping option will automatically appear based on your order value. 

Find more information on our policies here.  

Do you ship to the United States or to any other international destination?

At this time we are only shipping large bulk orders to customers in the United States. Please reach out to us directly with your order request using the  Contact us form. Please note that customs fees and additional administrative processes will apply. We are not yet able to accept orders directly through our online store for customers in the United States, however we anticipate we will be able to do so towards the end of 2024. If you'd like to be kept up to date as to when we begin to accept online orders from customers in the United States, please follow us on social media or sign on for our newsletter. 

I placed an order and cannot see tracking information. How do I track my order? 

If you placed an order via snap mail which is our most affordable option for small orders, then there is no tracking available. If you placed an order and selected a parcel shipment option, you will see a tracking number and link when you review your order. 


What is the best way to store seeds? 

Keep seeds stored in a dry area, at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. If stored well, most seeds will maintain good germination rates over many years.  


When will ____ be back in stock? 

To be the first to know when a product is back in stock, sign up for an email notification by clicking “NOTIFY ME WHEN AVAILABLE” on the product page.   


Why can’t I see my full e-gift card code?

If your gift card code seems incomplete, here’s a quick troubleshooting tip: In the email with your gift card, make sure to click on the image displaying the code. Due to a technical glitch with our online store provider, only 14 of the 16 digits might be visible until you click the image. Once you do, the full code will appear.


About Wildflowers and Seed Mixes:

Where can I learn more about native seed? 

This film, "Native Seeds: Supplying Restoration" is an excellent starting point for learning about the sector. Check it out!


I have questions about cold stratification pre-treatments. How does it work? 

We know this can be an intimidating aspect of starting native plants from seed, so we’ve done a few things to help simplify the process for you. Check out our Seed Starting Resources page to view simple guides to 4 different methods of cold stratifying seeds. We’ve also put together some more resources and information on growing native plants from seed.

All of our wildflower seed packs specify whether or not pre-treatment is required for successful germination of that species. On the front of our packaging you will either see a purple “Requires Pre-treatment" label or a green “Easy to Grow” label, plus some brief instructions for starting on the back of the seed pack. If the product has a green Easy to Grow label, no extra steps are required, just plant it as you would any other seed in your garden during springtime.  

We now sell small portions of vermiculite perfect for stratifying a single pack of seeds in the fridge. After this step is complete, simply scatter the seed and vermiculite mixture on top of soil and press down for good soil contact. Keep moist. 


What does this symbol on your packaging mean?


I need help identifying my wildflower seedlings, how do I identify them when they're young? 

Given that many native plant seedlings look so different from their mature counterparts, that is a really great question. We now have a partial seedling identification guide for some of the species we carry. It can be found in our catalog, which you can download here

Do wildflower mixes make good lawn alternatives? 

Native wildflower mixes are not excellent lawn alternatives, if you are looking for something short than can tolerate traffic. Most wildflowers are fairly tall and are not trample resistant. However one of our 4 different Wildflower Seed Mixes might be great for your site conditions if you are aiming to shrink the size of your lawn to reduce maintenance/mowing needs and expand wildlife habitat.  

Keep in mind that all native wildflower meadow mixes will be taller and won’t be tolerant of mowing or trampling. If you’re looking to improve the ecological value of your yard, we recommend reducing the size of lawn grass as much as you can while keeping enough space for the activities you currently use your lawn for (sports, dogs, children, etc), and convert the rest of yard space to meadow or garden space over time. This is where our wildflower mixes such as our Easy to Grow Mix are really useful. They are available in quantities to cover areas of 100, 250, 500 & 1000ft2. 


None of my wildflowers are blooming yet, what’s wrong?  

The process of establishing a wildflower meadow is a multi-year process. Most of these long-lived plants generally do not produce flowers in the first year, so a lot of green in the first year is to be expected.  

A common explanation of what to expect with perennial plants is “the first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap”. You will likely begin seeing some blooms in the second year as their root systems continue growing stronger, then in their third year you will be rewarded for your patience with many more blooms.  


How can I filter wildflower seeds according to growing conditions or province to help me shop? 

This feature is coming to our online store soon but not yet completed. Thanks for your patience as we find ways to make your online shopping experience easier! For now, information on the moisture/soil conditions, sunlight needs, and native range of each wildflower are included in the product descriptions, along with their hardiness zones, height, and more.  


Can you confirm that the seed mixes only contain species native to my province? 

We’ve crafted our wildflower seed mixes to be native to Ontario, Quebec, and Manitoba, however these are big provinces, with many many ecozones. So, for say a customer located at the far north or far south of any of those provinces, there may be a species or two in our mixes that, although native to the province, may not be regionally abundant. But overall, these are all excellent options.  


Where in Canada is the Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix appropriate? 

Our Easy to Grow Mix is ecologically appropriate for Central and parts of Eastern Canada (MB, ON, QC, NB). Outside of our pre-packaged mixes we create custom mixes for projects in other parts of Canada. Contact us for custom bulk mixes. 


Is this wildflower species native to my region?  

We have provided a range map based on provinces/territories the species is native to on our product pages and packaging, but since Canadian provinces are vast and cover many many ecotypes or ecoregions, a species native to one part of the province may not be found growing in your specific region. Range maps based on political boundaries rather than ecoregions have some big limitations, but they provide a starting point.  

There are some excellent resources available to help you determine if a plant species is native to your specific region. Fairly comprehensive distribution or range maps are available from Vascan or the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. INaturalist is another great tool for many different applications including checking if a species is found in your area. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Centre has a database of North America’s wildflowers that has some range descriptions and information as well. Some field guides have range maps as well, these are an excellent resource. Range maps for species at risk are available alongside the species recovery strategy documents on government websites. 


What's my growing/hardiness zone? 

You can find your hardiness zone using the maps found here. Remember, hardiness zones are calculated based on average minimum temperatures in the winter. They help you know what species will act perennial where you live, and return year after year. There is another map found here that may help determine your zone as well. 


I'm trying to establish a wildflower meadow or restore a larger piece of land and I have questions. 

Amazing! We support many larger restoration projects and would be happy to help. Here are some resources to help you get started. If your project is 1ha or larger, refer here. If your project is between 100-1000 square feet, located in Central or Eastern Canada, check out our 4 different Wildflower Seed Mixes to see if one is right for your project. Contact us if you have more questions about sourcing seed for a restoration project or establishing a wildflower meadow, we would love to help! 


I would like someone from Northern Wildflowers to speak at or attend an event. 

While our main focus is on producing native seed, occasionally Jenny or other members of our team will attend events and public speaking engagements relevant to our work or our community. If you would like to contact us about attending or speaking at your event, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you. Note, we may at times wave our speaking fee for fundraisers or events held by charitable organizations. Otherwise we charge a speaking fee calculated according to the size of event and investment from our team for all ticketed events or conferences,


What native plants are toxic to pets? Will my pets be safe around wildflowers?

There is unfortunately very little research out there showing toxicity to pets regarding various species of native plants. We do know that milkweeds are toxic when ingested, so those may be species to avoid. In general plant species that are toxic are usually unpalatable, so most pets will avoid them. 

Also note that the effects of a plant species described as toxic can vary greatly. Toxic can mean causes nausea and vomiting, or it can mean fatal in large enough quantities, so don't panic immediately if a source is labelling species you have planted as toxic. 

If you are concerned about something your pet has ingested, contact your regional poison centre. 


How can I apply to receive a donation for my project? 

Annually, Northern Wildflowers Inc. donates a minimum of 1% of our annual sales to groups that support regreening, outdoor classrooms and food security. As part of this we hold an annual Community Garden Giveaway. Applications for this giveaway typically open in November or December, follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletter for updates. To contact us about supporting your organization or project with a donation, please fill out this form


I'm a contract grower interested in growing wildflower seed for you, where should I start?

Thanks for your interest! There are some varieties and wildflower species we are seeking contract growers for to help us produce seed and increase the resiliency and diversity of our seed supply. Please start by checking out these Contract Grower Resources. Producing seed crops is very different in most cases than producing fresh produce, cut flowers, or other types of crops found on most farms.

Our network of contract growers continues to grow so we can provide Canadian-Grown seed in both our wildflowers and our Cutleaf Seeds vegetable seed line. If you are seriously interested in partnering with us to grow our seeds, please send us an email including some information about your farm, including a brief description of your soil conditions, how much space you have available, and what you are most interested in growing for seed, so we can suggest seed crops that will do best on your farm. 


Can I visit or tour your wildflower farm?

While we do not have a public store front at the farm, we may have an open house at the farm later in summer or early fall. Keep an eye on our social media for an announcement on that front.