Projects We Support Together
Every year we donate the equivalent of at least 1% of our annual sales to projects that promote food security, enjoyment of wild spaces and schoolyard greening.
Canadian Seed Library Adoption-Seeds of Diversity

We adopt a rare variety through the Canadian Seed Library's Seeds of Diversity Adoption program. This year we pledged to preserve the Algonquin Pumpkin, a local heirloom.
2023 Community Garden Giveaway

Our 2023 Community Garden Giveaway was a huge success and we received a large number of applications from groups across the country. This year we are pleased to be able to provide seeds to all of the eligible projects that applied!
Application was open to groups across Canada managing community gardens, or introducing children, older adults or at risk populations to gardening. Eligible groups received a bundle of seeds valued over $50 to support their projects. We supported 38 grassroots projects across the country, including a selection listed below:
Canadian Seed Library Adoption-Seeds of Diversity
This year we supported Seeds of Diversity's Canadian Seed Library program. The Seed Library is a collection of over 2900 regionally-adapted and rare seed varieties and includes over 6,000 seed samples, backing up the work of seed savers and Canadian heritage seed companies. Seeds of Diversity's member seed growers multiply these seeds to keep them viable and available for future gardeners and farmers. This not-for-profit project depends on volunteers and donors to adopt a seed into the library, protecting it in perpetuity, grow out seed and return freshly-saved seed to the library and donate rare varieties to the collection. This year we adopted the Blue Austrian Squash, this variety is so rare that it is hard to find a credible image! The library currently has just 2 samples of this variety weighing less than 40g which were provided by the Meeting Place Organic Farm in Bruce County Ontario.
2022 Community Garden Giveaway
In the fall of 2022 we launched our first ever 'Community Garden Giveaway'. Application was quick and easy and open to groups across Canada managing community gardens, or introducing children, older adults or at risk populations to gardening. Eligible groups received a $50 product voucher to use on garden supplies of their choice. We supported over 30 grassroots projects across the country, including a selection listed below:
🌱 KFLA Addictions and Mental Health Services - Lyon’s Community Garden in Kingston Ontario.
- A theraputic garden for individuals with disabilities and people who are struggling with mental health. The group wanted to plant more pollinator plants including native wildflowers to replace grass in their ‘little forest
🌱Schreiber Public School in Schreiber Ontario.
- The group was working on creating a pollinator garden to support wildlife and as a learning space for kids 5-14.
🌱 Grenville Park Community Housing Association, Parks and Recreation Committee in Kingston Ontario
- As part of a five-year plan to increase biodiversity, native tree species, tree density, and to manage invasive species, the GPCHA Parks and Recreation Committee has chosen a one-acre section of the parklands as the site for a small orchard and forest planting following the Miyawaki method. This site will serve as a forest classroom for nearby elementary public schools.
🌱 Gardening Kingston, in Kingston Ontario
- The group manages two community pollinator gardens and free seed libraries.
🌱 Akinoomoshin, Atikameksheng Anishinaabek
- The group is growing native plant medicine gardens as a part of their land-based and language-based learning programs.
🌱 Sturgis Composite School - PAA 7, in Sturgis Saskatchewan
- The school's grade 7 class is studying agriculture, food security and sustainability in their practical and applied arts class. They are creating hydroponic gardens with tomatoes, lettuce and herbs for school and community and are hoping to start a community seed bank.
🌱 Haliburton County Public Library - Minden Hills Branch in Minden Ontario
- They operate a seed bank and have a constant stock of free seeds for anyone who would like them.
🌱 Sudbury Naturalists Club, Sudbury Ontario
- The club is establishing a pollinator garden in conjunction with students from the Laurentian University Sustainability Club at the Living with Lakes Centre.
🌱Magnetawan Horticultural Society in Magnetawan Ontario
- Plans for a native wildflower garden adjacent to the community garden to attract beneficial pollinators and to be used as a learning experience for students.
🌱Adelaide Butterflyway, Thunder Bay Ontario
- Will expand planting in their native plant and biodiversity garden.
🌱 Kingsmount/Bell Park Ward 10 Community Action Network, Sudbury Ontario
- In 2022 the group planted a small (10ft x 8ft) pollinator patch, using seeds we purchased from Northern Wildflowers, which will they expand.
🌱 Hospice Georgina, Georgina Ontario
- The group is establishing a pollinator gardens for community members to use next to their community garden.
🌱Thunder Bay Butterflyway Ranger Project, Thunder Bay Ontario
- The group provided project volunteers with seeds to share, with a goal to help plant habitat and plants for many pollinators.
🌱 East York Children's Community Garden, Toronto Ontario
- The group is starting a garden and a free seed library.
🌱 Orleans Children’s Garden, Ottawa Ontario
- The group is looking to establish both a kitchen and native wildflower garden.
🌱Greenway School Grade 4 / 5 Class, Winnipeg Manitoba
- The Grade 4/5 class is growing plants from seed to learn about the importance of providing habitat for local pollinators; plant life-cycles and germination; hands-on gardening techniques; and teaching their community about supporting pollinators. The goal is to grow native plants seedlings that the students can then take home to plant in their yards and give away to other community members.
🌱Greenway School, Winnipeg Manitoba
- The school participates in the Roots and Shoots program and are looking to grow their pollinator garden.
🌱Lycee Claudel School, Ottawa Ontario
- The school is looking to fill new flowerbeds with native wildflowers and also use winter sowing as an educational activity for students.
🌱Manidoo Bineshii Dreams, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek
- The group operates a community food forest and provides educational and artistic experiences.
🌱Manor Park Community Association (Environmental Sustainability Committee), Ottawa Ontario
- The group will be adding more species to their native wildflower demo garden. The garden is used for education and awareness among the school, community centre, daycare etc and also for the wider community.
🌱Central Peel Secondary School, Brampton Ontario
- They are planting native gardens around the school and an Indigenous Legacy Garden at the front of the school.
🌱Paris Horticultural Society, Paris Ontario
- The Paris Hort. Soc. is creating 2-5 pollinator gardens throughout the Paris area.
🌱Markham Pollinator Pathway, Markham Ontario
- The seeds will help further populate a native pollinator garden that was recently established in May, 2022, at Alfred Patterson Pond. The goal of the project is to foster an appreciation for native plants among local community members.
🌱Walden Community Garden, Lively Ontario
- This group operates a community garden and are looking to host youth groups at the garden this coming season.
🌱Friends of Riverview Park Greenspaces, Ottawa Ontario
- The group is looking to diversify the native plantings in their pollinator gardens. They are adding more beds on the paved path between our community and the Ottawa Hospital/Childrens’Hospital in 2023.
🌱Butterflyway Hamilton, Ontario
- The group was looking to distribute seeds directly to community members through their seed library and to support other community projects in growing more native plant seedlings.
🌱Sudbury Shared Harvest, Sudbury Ontario
- The group will add native wildflowers to some of their existing food forest areas.
🌱Kirkendall Garden Club, Hamilton Ontario
- The group is looking to grow their seed library as well as doing a winter-sowing mini-course over Dec/Jan to teach our club members and community members how to winter-sow.
Native Seed Bomb Workshops at Science North and Dynamic Earth (Sudbury, Ontario)
For a second year in a row we donated a customized native seed mix and supplies to help the staff at Science North and Dynamic Earth deliver workshops on making seed bombs, all while discussing the importance of supporting pollinators for countless visitors over the fall and winter months.

Native Seed Bomb Workshops

Toronto Seed Library
We donated seed packs from a dozen native wildflower varieties to support the Toronto Seed Library's collection. The TSL is a community based seed library with twenty on-location and two travelling branches to support the various communities within the Greater Toronto Region build a network of seed sharing as well as resources for urban agriculture.

Winnipeg Trails Association
In the spring of 2021 we donated wildflower seed packs to the Winnipeg Trail Association for their seniors pen pal program and as appreciation gifts to their network of volunteers. Founded in 2003 and incorporated as a non-profit in 2017, Winnipeg Trails is a dynamic organization that plays a critical and comprehensive role in the development of a modern, sustainable city through the primary lens of active transportation.

Sudbury Community Garden Network and Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Community Garden
Milkweed Donations
Throughout the fall of 2021 we donated over 300 milkweed seedlings to various community gardens to support them in creating monarch butterfly habitat.

In 2020 we supported the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee, Kivi Park and Sudbury Shared Harvest. Several hundred native wildflower seedlings were planted at multiple sites, to be enjoyed by wildlife, community members and visitors for years to come. Together, our support helped these organizations reintroduce several important native species including swamp and butterfly milkweed which are the host plants required by monarch butterfly.
Have an idea for a project you think we should support? Tell us about it!
Kerry Lamarche, Executive Director at Kivi Park holds a tray of donated native seedlings.
Miranda Virtanen, Executive Director at Junction Creek Stewardship Committee holds a tray of donated native seedlings.
Swamp milkweed seedling planted along the banks of Junction Creek (Sudbury).
Junction Creek Stewardship Committee staff and volunteers planted native seedlings along the creek in July of 2020.