Notre blog

  • Harvesting Beauty: A Year of Hand-Picked Bouquets

    I decided I would pick flowers to place on my kitchen counter at least once a month this year. Some of these bouquets are entirely wildflowers found in highway ditches, others were picked from my planters at home, and some featured blooms from around my neighbourhood. Whether you want to surprise a loved one, or pick up this habit of self-love like I did this year, stopping to pick some ditch flowers is free and delightful. 

  • Cultiver des tulipes à l'intérieur

    L'hiver est long et froid, mais vous pouvez ajouter un peu de printemps chez vous en cultivant certaines de vos variétés de tulipes préférées à l'intérieur. Ici, nous fournissons un processus facile à suivre en quatre étapes pour obtenir de belles fleurs d'intérieur.