This full sun collection is curated with 5 wildflower varieties that will improve the quality of your soil and make more nutrients available to the rest of your garden. Canada Tick Trefoil, Leadplant, Yellow Wild Indigo and Purple Prairie Clover are legumes, hence they fix nitrogen and make it available for other plants. Borage adds trace minerals to the soil and aids any plants neighboring plants by increasing their resistance to pests and disease.
Note: Canada Tick Trefoil, Leadplant and Yellow Wild Indigo require cold moist stratification. See instructions below.
Growing Instructions
Cold, moist stratification required. Mix seeds with moist substrate (vermiculite, perlite or moss) and place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 6-8 weeks. Sow seed at 1/8 inch depth. Do not let seedling dry out while it is establishing.
Sow directly outdoors in late fall to overwinter.