Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh

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Zones 4-8
4-7 feet tall
Partial Sun to Full Shade
Blooms May to August
Medium to Moist Site
Approx. 100 seeds per pack

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has whispy, white spikes that bloom from May to August. The white candelabra-shaped flowers are fragrant, the attractive leaves are deep green, and the whole plant is generally deer and rabbit resistant.  Easy to maintain, black cohosh enjoys richer soils typical of woodlands but can tolerate periods of dryness. While black cohosh is known historically for medicinal uses, consumption is not recommended as the plant is poisonous if not used properly or if consumed in large amounts.

Growing Instructions: 

This variety requires double dormancy and can take anywhere from 30 days to 2 years to germinate. 

Transplant: Starting 4 months before you plan to put them in the ground, expose seeds to 21C/ 70°F for two weeks, then 4C /40°F for three months. In the spring, when the second set of leaves appears,  transplant outdoors. Harden plants off for one week. Transplant to partial or full-shade location, 2 inches apart. 

Direct Seed: Sow at 1/4" depth. Plant seeds in late fall. Nature will take care of the cold stratifying required and the seeds will go through the temperature cycle required for germination. It may be two springs away before they germinate.