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Plant This, Not That - Native Plant Alternatives to Common Garden Perennials

Here are just a few examples of native alternatives to common perennial garden ornamentals. Because why not swap them for a more wildlife and pollinator friendly alternative? 

Anise Hyssop is a fragrant pollinator magnet - hybridizing can be a concern so source this species carefully.

Foxglove Beardtongue has beautiful white to pink tubular flowers that attract native long-tongued bumblebees, Miner bees, Mason bees, and hummingbirds.

New Jersey Tea is a gorgeous round shrub with a ton of wildlife value and a fairly long bloom period in spring.

Butterfly Milkweed has a lower, shrubby growth habit and actually feeds native butterflies unlike "Butterfly Bush".
Spicebush blooms yellow in early spring just like Forsythia bushes but has a lot more value for native wildlife especially early emerging bee species and the beautiful Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly.
There are many of species of native Asters to choose from for fall blooms, plant some and skip the imported mums next October.
Cranberry Viburnum, AKA American Guelder Rose, American Highbush Cranberry... This is a great hydrangea alternative with similar round clusters of flowers, attractive foliage from spring to fall. Although it does bloom earlier than hydrangeas, vibrant red berry clusters offer visual interest into fall.
Nodding Wild Onion is an easy trade for traditional Allium bulbs in the perennial or cottage garden.
It may require a bit more patience to get some of these native wildflowers and shrubs established, but we think it's worth the extra thought and effort. 

2 commentaires

  • Thank you. Hydrangeas are one of my all-time favourites; I’m glad to see so many alternatives

  • Thank you for the great information found in your blogs. I have already started the task of transforming my back yard into a native Ontario garden with the help of northern wild flower seeds and look forward to reading more blogs to help in the process.

    Mike Hughes

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