Yellow Wild Indigo (Baptisia sphaerocarpa) adds a lively splash of yellow to the garden. Plants are shrub-like, perform well in unfavourable conditions and are long lived. Indigos are legumes, hence they fix atmospheric nitrogen which enriches the soil, making them excellent companion plants. Yellow Wild Indigo is also called Yellow False Indigo, which refers to the fact that the plant's flower petals can be used to make a dye, which is functional but inferior to that of true indigos. Yellow wild indigo is a host plant of the Frosted Elfin, Orange Sulfur Butterfly and Wild Indigo Duskywing. Native to southern states, but is perennial in zones 4-9.
Growing Instructions
Cold, moist stratification required. Mix seeds with moist substrate (vermiculite, perlite or moss) and place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 6-8 weeks. Sow seed at 1/8 inch depth. Do not let seedling dry out while it is establishing.
Sow directly outdoors in late fall to overwinter.