65 Days
Approximately 20-25 seeds
Open Pollinated
Up to 8’ tall

Indeterminate. Chocolate Cherry tomatoes are a unique heirloom that have a deep colour and complex flavour. 1-2 oz attractive brownish-red fruit is sweet & juicy with a refreshing flavour. Prolific 6-8' tall slender vines hold large trusses of seemingly endless fruit that will keep producing until the frost. Indeterminate tomato varieties must be pruned and trellised for ideal plant health and maximum fruit production. Benefits from starting indoors. Seed from small organic farm in British Columbia.
Companions: Basil, Borage, Carrots
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best in warm soil at 24-29°C with moderate moisture.
Plant Spacing : 2-3’ apart Row Spacing: 4-6’ apart.
Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4" deep. At first true leaf, pot-up to 4" pots. Grow at a constant 16–21°C. Harden off before transplanting into the soil. Plant deeply to encourage strong rooting. Water seedlings with a high-phosphate fertilizer solution at planting to help boost early yields.