Nodding Wild Onion (Allium cernuum) is an edible, unique addition to the garden. A native member of the Allium family, which includes onions and garlic, its stems can be used much like chives and the bulbs are also edible. A ball of white/purple star-shaped flowers blooms at the end of the summer and are pollinated by native sweat bees. Note that first year plants may look a bit like grass at first. It is in their second year that stem girth increases and flowering occurs. Plants can also be propagated by splitting off the bulb-lets which develop on the side of the main bulb.
Growing Instructions
Wet and cold stratification required. Mix seeds with moist substrate (vermiculite, perlite or moss) and place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 6-8 weeks. Sow seed at 1/8 inch depth. Do not let seedling dry out while it is establishing.
Sow directly outdoors in late fall to overwinter.