New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis) is found in moist areas in the wild but will also flourish in a garden with medium soil. Native to the eastern portion of the United States, this species is hardy up to zone 5. The species tolerates clay and acidic conditions well. It attracts butterflies and the seed heads are a food source for birds. New York Ironweed's tall, narrow growth habit makes it ideal for placement in borders or to fill in tight spaces in the garden. The species has a naturally low germination rate, hence over-seeding is recommended.
Growing Instructions
Cold, moist stratification required. Mix seeds with moist substrate (vermiculite, perlite or moss) and place in a plastic bag and refrigerate for 6-8 weeks. Sow seed at 1/8 inch depth. Do not let seedling dry out while it is establishing.
Sow directly outdoors in late fall to overwinter.