Full Sun
50 Days
Approximately 200 seeds
Open Pollinated
14-20” tall
98% Germination Rate (2023 test)

Very cold-hardy with curled blue-green, tender, and flavourful leaves. Grows in a compact shape. Seed from a small organic farm in Ontario.
Companions: Beets, Garlic, Peas
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best at 24°C in moist soil.
Plant Spacing : 12-18”, Row Spacing : 18-30”
Requires minimum 6 hrs of Direct Sun per day.
From Transplant: Sow seed ¼” deep indoors 4 weeks before last frost. Air temperature for healthy seedling growth after germination is 16-21°C. Harden off plants prior to planting out. Plant outdoors when risk of hard frost has passed.
Direct Seed: Once soil can be worked in the spring.