This great collection of 100% Canadian farmer-grown heirloom tomatoes is a must have for any tomato gardener. The collection includes 5 heirloom varieties that have a range of culinary uses from sauces, salads, sliced and canning! Two types of cherry tomato, our prolific Bing tomato and the beautiful golden Napa Chardonnay. German Johnson tomatoes are a large variety that are amazing sliced. The Black Plum and Sioux varieties are both great for making sauces.
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best in warm soil at 24-29°C with moderate moisture.
Plant Spacing : 2-3’ apart Row Spacing: 4-6’ apart.
Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4" deep. At first true leaf, pot-up to 4" pots. Grow at a constant 16–21°C. Harden off before transplanting into the soil. Plant deeply to encourage strong rooting. Water seedlings with a high-phosphate fertilizer solution at planting to help boost early yields.