False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosum) is a great choice for your home landscaping project in shaded areas. Clusters of star-shaped white flowers appear mid-late spring, followed by red berries, sometimes with stripes of brown or purple. This plant will spread from its roots but will not take over, and can be controlled if necessary.
Growing Instructions:
Until ready to sow, keep seed moist and refrigerated. Must be wet, cold stratified for at least 8 weeks. Mix seeds with moist substrate (vermiculite, perlite or moss) and place in a plastic bag and refrigerate. Then, sow in the spring, 3/4' deep in moist to wet, full to part-shaded site. Seed can take anywhere from 30 days to up to 2 years to germinate. Label your planting side and keep weed-free.