Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix
Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix

Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix

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Finally a wildflower mixture that will thrive in Canadian gardens! Our wildflower mixes are formulated with an ideal ratio of wildflower to grass species and the appropriate amount of seed for your application site. Our mixes contain spring, summer and fall blooms in a variety of colours to provide a continuous nectar supply to a range of pollinators.

The 'Easy to Grow Wildflower Seed Mix' is suited to full sun areas and sites with dry to medium conditions. The mix is ideal for spring or fall sowing and contains easy to grow species that will often flower in their first year. This mix is forb dominant with 60% composition of wildflower seed and 40% native grass composition.

For your convenience, this mix also includes our eco-friendly seed coating. We've coated the small-seeded varieties with a biodegradable mix of natural minerals to make application easier and increase germination rates.

Contains: Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum), Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata), Canada Tick Trefoil (Desmodium canadense), Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea), Perennial Blanketflower (Gaillardia aristata), Dotted Mint (Monarda punctata), Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), Common Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis), Black-Eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis).

General Sowing Instructions

This mix will perform equally well if sown in the spring or fall. Fall sowing should take place after the first frost, generally from mid September to the end of October. Early spring sowing can be done directly outdoors from April to July.

Site Prep

Remove existing vegetation then lightly work the soil to ensure compaction does not impede germination. Rake a fine seedbed then broadcast the seed evenly across the area. In order to ensure good soil/ seed contact, use a seed roller or walk over seeds for smaller sites. Do not bury the seeds- they should ideally have good contact with the soil but still be exposed to sunlight. For spring planting, keep evenly watered through the first two weeks of germination, or until seedlings are strong and well established. For fall planting, watering is not generally required.

Patience is required when establishing a mix of native grasses and perennials as many flowers will not bloom until the second year of growth.